Bowls is played by people of all ages, the basics are easy to pick up and you can play anytime, day or night. Traditionally its been seen as an older person`s game, but in recent years an increasing number of younger people are taking up the sport. To find out more about a local club near you, contact your local county from the LIST OF SECRETARIES or contact the adminstration team
Why get onto Its an accessible game that`s quick to learn and combines physical activity with precision and patience,
Who is it for? Played indoors on an artifical 45ft surface, bowls can be played by all ages and abilities
Is there a cheap Some clubs pay and play and some have a yearly subscription
What if i want a It can improve muscle strenth, flexibility and endurance,
proper workout
Can i take it to It can be played at a competitive level, for those who want more of a challenge.
another level?
Is there a Its a non-contact sport which is enjoyed by all, including people with disabilities
disability optio?
Is there a family the game can be played for fun with the whole family
Short mat bowls can be enjoyed by all ages, played on a flat 45ft retangle carpet, The aim is simple - to get your bowls as close as possible to a small yellow ball called the "jack". However to play consistently well demands determination, concentration and practice. Because it is low impact sport, bowlers are able to continue playing for many years.
Short Mat In British Isles
Depending on your location the attached links may help you to find a Short Mat Bowling venue within the British Isles
Welsh Short Mat bowling Association Scotland Short Mat Bowling Association Irish Short Mat Bowling Association
Manx Short Mat Bowling Association
If you find out Short Mat Bowls is not for you there are many varibles of the game including outdoor or indoor long mat. To find out more visit
English Indoor Bowling Association
Northern Ireland Bowling Association
British Crown Green Bowling Association
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