Nationals 2025

The National Finals are all going to be held at Melton Mowbray Indoor Bowls Club on the following dates:

Saturday 8th March 2025- Mixed Fours

Sunday 9th March 2025- Over 55's Pairs


Thursday 10th April 2025- Singles

Friday 11th April 2025- Pairs

Saturday 12th April 2025- Fours

Sunday 13th April 2025- Triples

Allocations at 140125.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [486.2 KB]
The following clarification/amendment for age requirements for National Competitions was agreed at the ESMBA committee meeting on 2nd October and is effective commencing this season (2021-22)
OVER 55s MUST be 55 before the beginning of the season i.e. before September 1st.
UNDER 18s MUST be still be 17 before the beginning of the season i.e. before September 1st.
It is felt that this simplifies and standardises the rules for both these competitions.
Check in times:
Mixed Fours: 8:30am
Over 55 Pairs: 8:30am
Singles: 9:30am
Pairs: 9:30am
Triples: 8:30am
Fours: 8:30am


V6 National Rules 2023-24_Approved.docx
Microsoft Word document [24.9 KB]
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